Vehicle pursuits can happen just about anywhere, but a beach pursuit is definitely a less frequent occurrence. In the video below you can see a suspect fleeing police along with water's edge at a high rate of speed. The suspect is then tailed nearly a dozen patrol cars as they attempt to apprehend him.
The chase started Tuesday afternoon in southern San Luis Obispo County, California when officers attempted to pull Joshua Anthony Jordan over for parole violation. The pursuit was quickly discontinued due to safety but picked back up an hour later by Oceano Dunes state beach. Jordan eventually made his was onto the beach where park rangers and a flurry of other departments pursued him.
Eventually, Jordan's Lexus got stuck in the sand and he decided to run into the ocean in an attempt to escape. Jordan was taken into custody by police at that time.
Jordan now faces charges for parole violation, willful cruelty to a child with possible injury or death and evading a peace officer in a reckless manner.
Pismo beach high speed chase....on the beach!
— jeremy moore (@jmo34) July 12, 2017