Once a month the longstanding European Auto Salvage Yard in Oakland, CA hosts a Porsches and Coffee gathering that has grown over time from a small handful of R Gruppe members to a street fair festival atmosphere that takes up the entire block and overflows into a few surrounding streets. It's not explicitly a sanctioned event, but it sure is a lot of fun to attend. For a few hours every month, the rest of the world just disappears and all that is left is EASY and the Porsches gathered there. We've taken a few road trips over there ourselves to check it out, and it must be said that Jim has attracted some of the coolest Porsches (and others) to his shop for the show mostly by accident.
Organic year-on-year growth is the best way to describe the EASY event. When we went the first time a handful of years ago, it was a calm gathering of fifty cars or so. The most recent one we stopped by had easily double the cars of the first time we showed up. It's a low-key laid back kind of event, which is so much nicer than the traditional parking lot kind of car show. Don't worry about polishing your Porsche or getting it "done" to show up. Just get your old car out, fire it up, and chug over to EASY on the first Saturday of each summer month.
Of course, you don't have to take only our word at face value. Check out this video from Der Faszination to give you an idea what it's like to attend. They drove up to Oakland from Las Vegas, about an 8 hour trip, to attend the EASY show for the first time, and they loved every minute of it. This quick one-minute drone video does a pretty good job of showing just how big this show has gotten.