We're firm believers that most stereotypes exist for a reason. The one about Ford Mustangs being crowd-munchers unable to leave a car meet without making a fool out of its driver? Yeah, that one seems to be getting harder and harder to shake with every passing weekend.
This week's Mustang crash video comes from Wells Branch, Texas and shows yet another one of Ford's pony cars trying to show off whilst exiting a car show and, get this, the driver fails miserably. The driver's attempt to peel out with vigor ends up in a spin and the Mustang's rear-end crashing onto the opposing lane's curb. Thankfully, no crowds were harmed in this botched bit of driving. When the ace Mustang pilot tries to redeem himself by flamboyantly oversteering his way back in the right direction... well, let's just say second time's not the charm.
Given just how prolific crashed Mustang videos have gotten, you would think Mustang owners going to these things would have the good sense to, y'know, take it easy when they're leaving Cars and Coffee events. They can see the multiple smartphones pointed in their direction waiting to capture yet another viral bonehead moment, right? Or perhaps they've progressed to doing it on purpose. Giving the people what they want, so to speak.
Anyways... all together now!